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TechDoc Client 11 Build 12/04/2024 Released

Wed, 12/11/2024 - 15:39

TechDoc Client 11 Build 12/04/2024 has been released and features the following improvements:

  • Changed the TechDoc Single Sign-On (SSO) mechanism so that it works with advanced Group Policy settings that block XPI plugins from being used.
  • Updated the Java JRE to Amazon Corretto 17 update 13 to provide the latest Java security and updates.
  • Updated the TechDoc SSO browser to provide the latest browser security and updates.

TechDoc Client 11 Build 09/25/2024 Released

Thu, 09/26/2024 - 16:49

TechDoc Client 11 Build 09/25/2024 has been released and features the following improvements:

  • Updated Java JRE to Amazon Corretto 17 update 12 to provide the latest Java security and updates.
  • Updated the TechDoc SSO browser to provide the latest browser security and updates.
  • Updated the TechDoc SSO browser plugin to use XPI Manifest V3 so that it works with the latest browsers.
  • Added the ability to mass unrelease a group of documents.
  • Updated show generations to support a scroll pane that allows any number of generations to be viewable without running off the screen when a document has a large number of generations.

Render 10.0.4 is Now Available

Mon, 03/25/2024 - 14:12

Render 10.0.4 is now available on the TechDoc 10 Downloads page. If you already have a Render 9.* or Render 10 machine, you can update it by simply following the section called "Periodic Maintenance of the Render Machine" in the Render Installation guide. The following is a list of changes from Render 10 to Render 10.0.4:

  • Two executables (test32.exe and test64.exe) that are used in testing are now flagged by Windows Defender as containing viruses. These two executables are statically linked against an old version of the Visual C runtime library that Microsoft considers unsafe, which results in these executables being flagged. In order to resolve this issue, this re-release of Render contains new versions of the test executables linked against the very latest version of the Visual C runtime library.

TechDoc 11.0.2 Rereleased

Thu, 12/07/2023 - 21:07

TechDoc 11.0.2 has been rereleased. The setup program is intended to be used for a new installation or an upgrade of TechDoc 10, 10.1, 11, 11.0.1, or 11.0.2. The rerelease includes the following change:

  • A Tomcat setting has been updated so that a screen with a large number of input fields (like Modify Remote User Group with 2500+ members) will work again.

The rerelease still includes the following items addressed in the initial 11.0.2 patch release:

  • Updated Java to 11u21 for identified security vulnerabilities.
  • Updated Tomcat to 9.0.82 for identified security vulnerabilities.
  • Updated the SSL Socket Factory to default to TLS V1.2.
  • Updated the TLS Socket Factory to default to TLS V1.2.
  • Updated all components to the new TechDoc code signing certificate.
  • Fixed an issue where a folder report could generate an ambiguous owner ID column error.

TechDoc 11.0.2 Released

Fri, 10/27/2023 - 17:18

TechDoc 11.0.2 has been released. The setup program is intended to be used for a new installation or an upgrade of TechDoc 10, 10.1, 11, or 11.0.1. The items addressed in this patch release include:

  • Updated Java to 11u21 for identified security vulnerabilities.
  • Updated Tomcat to 9.0.82 for identified security vulnerabilities.
  • Updated the SSL Socket Factory to default to TLS V1.2.
  • Updated the TLS Socket Factory to default to TLS V1.2.
  • Updated all components to the new TechDoc code signing certificate.
  • Fixed an issue where a folder report could generate an ambiguous owner ID column error.

TechDoc 11.0.1 Released

Thu, 10/05/2023 - 17:06

TechDoc 11.0.1 has been released. The setup program is intended to be used for a new installation or an upgrade of TechDoc 10, 10.1, or 11. The items addressed in this patch release include:

  • Updated Tomcat to 9.0.80 for identified security vulnerabilities.
  • Fixed an issue where render could have trouble connecting to a VMware server.
  • Fixed an issue caused by a recent update to IE that could result in an error on a screen that has a file browse component and the user clicks OK or Next without first browsing to a file using the component.

TechDoc 11 Released

Fri, 06/30/2023 - 14:09

TechDoc 11 has been released. The setup program is intended to be used for a new installation or an upgrade of TechDoc 10 or TechDoc 10.1. Some of the main enhancements for TechDoc 11 release are shown below. See the release notes for full details on the release.

  • Support for deploying TechDoc 11 on the cloud. Initially, support for Azure has been added as it most closely aligns with the platforms that our customers currently run on. TechDoc can now use Azure SQL Databases for storage instead of using SQL Server. Other cloud providers will be considered in the future
    based on customer interest.
  • Render is also supported in the cloud by installing the DM on an Azure server that supports nested virtualization. After TechDoc is installed on the DM, a
    Render VM can be created on the DM Azure server using Hyper-V. This first Render configuration simplifies management and costs of the DM and
    Render in the cloud. Other cloud-based Render configuration scenarios may be considered in the future based on customer interest.
  • Improved security was a major focus of this release; including static code analysis of the entire code base and a thorough review of all third-party libraries and modules, which included the elimination of many, the upgrading most remaining ones, and a further tightening of their configuration and use to eliminate as may unneeded features as possible.
  • Improvements to allow TechDoc to house and process even more documents with less resources.

The setup program is available on the TechDoc 11 Downloads Page and the installation guide and release notes are available on the TechDoc 11 Documentation Page.

TechDoc Client 11 Build 06/22/2023 Released

Fri, 06/30/2023 - 14:08

TechDoc Client 11 Build 06/22/2023 has been released and features the following improvements:

  • Added support for servers running TechDoc 11 while still maintaining full support for TechDoc 10 servers.
  • Updated Java JRE to Amazon Corretto 11 update 19 to provide the latest Java security and updates.
  • Migrated the client executable from 32-bit to 64-bit to work with the Java 11 JRE.
  • Added the ability to purge older generations of a document by allowing user to specify how many unreleased and how many released generations to keep.
  • Added a caching mechanism for keywords and other metadata to greatly improve performance over slow network connections and to reduce the load on the server.

DocuBrain Workflow Editor 11 Build 06/22/2023 Released

Fri, 06/30/2023 - 14:07

DocuBrain Workflow Editor 11 Build 06/22/2023 has been released and features the following improvements:

  • Added support for servers running TechDoc 11 while still maintaining full support for TechDoc 10 servers.
  • Updated Java JRE to Amazon Corretto 11 update 19 to provide the latest Java security and updates.
  • Migrated the client executable from 32-bit to 64-bit to work with the Java 11 JRE.

DocuBrain Forums Available Again

Wed, 07/27/2022 - 01:44

We have completed the migration of the DocuBrain Forums to Backdrop CMS. Authenticated users are now able to post new forum topics and comments again.

Thank you for your patience while we completed this transition! Now Running on Backdrop CMS

Sat, 07/16/2022 - 17:00

The web site is now running on Backdrop CMS. It was a bit of an effort but we feel that we will be able to better serve our customers. We will be spending less time maintaining the site while our customers can enjoy the more responsive experience that Backdrop CMS offers.

We are still in the final stages of porting the Forums to the Backdrop CMS way of doing things but it shouldn't be much longer until you will be able to post to the forums.

Thank you for your patience while we complete this transition and thanks to the Backdrop CMS developers that helped us with multiple issues we encountered during the process.

TechDoc Client 10 Build 03/28/2022 Released

Tue, 03/29/2022 - 17:39

TechDoc Client 10 Build 03/28/2022 has been released and features the following improvements:

  • Updated the "Move Here" dialog box so that previous used reasons that are really long don't disrupt the location of the buttons on the dialog.
  • Updated Java JRE to Amazon Corretto 8 update 322 to provide the latest Java security and updates.
  • Updated the TechDoc SSO bowser plugin from NPAPI to Webextentions API so that it works with the latest browsers.
  • Changed the Help menu item to invoke the user's current PDF reader so that they can view the help with the reader that they are most familiar with.

TechDoc 10.1.2 Patch Released

Mon, 09/13/2021 - 13:46

The TechDoc 10.1.2 patch has been released. The setup program is intended to be used for a new installation or an upgrade for TechDoc 10, 10.1, or 10.1.1. The embedded Java has been upgraded to 8u302 for the latest security baseline and several report style files were missing from the previous 10.1 and 10.1.1 installers.

Since this patch contains security updates, it should be applied at your earliest convenience.